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Articles in Aug. to Sep. 2013

  1. GB 9439 Malleable Iron Casting - on Sep. 30, 2013
    GB 9439-88 Black Malleable Iron Casting and Malleable Pearlite Iron Casting Mechanical Properties

  2. GB9439 China Gray Iron Castings - on Sep. 30, 2013
    This standard is applicable to sand-casting grey iron castings or grey iron castings whose thermal conduction is equivalent to sand-casting grey iron castings. This standard can also be referred by grey iron castings of other molds.

  3. Gray cast iron, ductile cast iron - on Sep. 29, 2013
    A special treatment with magnesium causes the globular shape of the graphite within the casting. The so-called spheroidal or ductile cast iron has material features similar to steel including tensile strength and elongation.

  4. Open die forging process and advantages - on Sep. 29, 2013
    Forging is the process of shaping metal through the application of force. It can be done while the metal is cold or hot but not when it is molten.

  5. Precision forging, cost and tooling - on Sep. 27, 2013
    In the process of forging metal, there are a variety of techniques utilized, depending on the needs for the product designed and the stage of product manufacturing.

  6. Brass forging, closed die forging, open die forging - on Sep. 27, 2013
    Brass forging is a process in which a forging press places extreme pressure on a single piece of brass or brass alloy that has been heated to about 1,500 degrees F (815 degrees C).

  7. Ceramic mold casting process and advantages - on Sep. 26, 2013
    Ceramic mold casting is a manufacturing process for creating tools and parts, such as impellers. The ceramic mold process can use materials such as bronze or stainless steel.

  8. Sand casting process, green sand casting - on Sep. 26, 2013
    Sand casting is a process of using sand as the primary material to mold various metallic products. This molding method is very efficient because sand is a refractory material, which means it can withstand very high temperatures.

  9. Squeeze casting advantages - on Sep. 25, 2013
    Squeeze casting is a method of forming metal into shapes by using two dies that are squeezed together. Most casting techniques use two dies that are squeezed together before the metal is added but, in squeeze casting, the two are pushed together after the metal is added.

  10. Cast Iron Class 40 - on Sep. 25, 2013
    Cast iron possesses the highest strength, hardness, resistance to wear and heat treating response for an unalloyed gray iron. Machinability, noise and vibration damping is Excellent to Very Good. Continuous casting virtually eliminates rejections due to porosity and centerline shrinkage.

  11. Cast Irons types and composition - on Sep. 24, 2013
    The term cast iron is used to describe an entire family of metals with a broad range of properties. Like steel, it is also a generic term that designates a family of metals. Both steels as well as cast irons are mainly iron with carbon (C) as the prime alloying element.

  12. Cast Iron Fireplaces, Grey iron, ductile iron, alloy iron  -  on Sep. 24, 2013
    The use of the fireplace as a decorative focal point as well as a source of heat in a room has a long history. Due to the individual nature of these decorative designs, these fireplaces were often only available to the wealthy and were usually made out of stone, brick or, in the Georgian period, plaster.

  13. Lost foam casting, LFC, casting process - on Sep, 23, 2013
    Lost-foam casting (LFC) is a casting method used to create solid metal parts from molten metal.

  14. Steel Castings Advantages, Application - on Sep. 22, 2013
    When it comes to assuring value, there’s no substitute for experience. We combine an unrivaled range of application expertise and engineering experience to offer customers a truly one-of-a-kind resource.

  15. CGI Castings, Compacted Graphite Iron Castings - on Sep. 22, 2013
    Compacted Graphite Iron was first patented at about the same time as ductile iron in the late 1940's. At the time it was viewed more as a curiosity rather than a production material, but its unique properties has led it to be used in many applications which are unsuitable for grey or ductile iron.

  16. Difference Between ductile iron and Cast Iron - on Sep. 18, 2013
    Ductile iron can be bent, it can be made into different shapes and forms. But one cannot make out different shapes and forms using cast iron. While ductile iron is flexible, cast iron is not.

  17. Wear Resistant and Ni Hard Cast Iron Castings - on Sep. 17, 2013
    Cast iron, in the grade normally used for items such as bearing housings, gearboxes or machine beds, has a hardness of about 150 to 200 Brinell. With the addition of alloying elements, usually chrome, nickel or copper, the hardness can be increased to over 700 Brinell. This has opened up the use of cast iron into areas where wear resistance was a crucial requirement.

  18. Nickel Alloy Castings, Bronze Alloy Castings, Alloy Steel Castings - on Sep. 16, 2013
    Being a client-centric organization, we are engaged in offering an unmatched range of Alloy Products to the clients. The entire range of products is widely knowledgeable among the customers for salient features like dimensional accuracy, reliable performance, better efficiency and longer service life. Further, our clients can avail these products according to their specifications.

  19. Grey Iron Castings, Grey Cast Iron Production - on Sep. 13, 2013
    Grey iron is an alloy of iron, carbon and silicon which refers to a range of cast irons which solidify with a eutectic.

  20. Austempered Ductile Iron Properties - on Sep. 12, 2013
    The Austenitic Matrix of Acicular Ferrite known as Ausferrite which makes up the microstructure of ADI.

  21. Metal casting materials, manufacturing, foundry  -  on Sep. 11, 2013
    Metal casting is a metalworking technique in which molten metal is poured into a mold and allowed to set before being removed to reveal a metal piece which can be finished with grinding, sanding, and polishing before being sold.

  22. Grey Iron Property, Application, Material Grades - on Sep. 10, 2013
    In grey cast iron the free graphite is in the form of flakes. The matrix may be ferritic for the lower strengths to pearlitic for higher strength.

  23. EN 12513, White Cast Iron, Abrasion Resistant Cast Iron - on Sep. 09, 2013
    White cast irons are widely used in abrasive wear applications involved in the crushing, grinding, milling and handling of abrasive materials such as minerals and ores, both dry and as slurries.

  24. Ductile Iron Structure, Properties and Applications - on Sep. 06, 2013
    In ductile iron the free graphite is in the form of discrete nodules or spheroids. The matrix may be ferritic, pearlitic or a mixture of the two. Other bainitic and martensitic structures may be formed by heat treatment processes such as quenching and tempering and ‘austempering’.

  25. Expendable Pattern Casting, EPC Technology - on Sep. 04, 2013
    EPC technology has the incomparable advantage. In 1999, the EPC technology was ranked national key promotion high-tech technology by the state ministry of science, and praised as the twenty-first century casting technology, casting industry's green revolution by home and abroad.

  26. Gray Iron Casting, Ductile Iron Castings for Engineering Machinery - on Sep. 03, 2013
    OK Foundry makes production castings in gray and ductile iron for almost every conceivable general industrial purpose and some special industrial segments like chemical process, petrochemical, and primary metals.

  27. Cast iron, white iron, pure iron carbon properties - on Sep. 03, 2013
    Pure Iron is almost never used as a cast material because it is soft and weak. As the carbon content increases to 0.9%, so does hardness and strength. These alloys are called "Steels".

  28. Some consideration to international sourcing of metal castings - on Aug. 27, 2013
    Here are some important considerations when choosing an international provider for outsourcing your metal castings works.

  29. Casting Meaning, Metal Casting and Casting Material - on Aug. 17, 2013
    What does casting mean? What is a metal casting? What kind of metal is used in castings?

  30. What is Metal Casting - on Aug. 14, 2013
    Metal casting is a metalworking technique in which molten metal is poured into a mold and allowed to set before being removed to reveal a metal piece which can be finished with grinding, sanding, and polishing before being sold.


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